utility.number.delimiter=, utility.decimal.delimiter=. button.play=Play button.newGame=New Game button.continue=Continue button.close=Close button.next=NEXT button.back=BACK button.ok=OK button.yes=Yes button.no=No help.showOnStartup=Show on startup help.title=HOW TO PLAY help.page_1_2=The goal of Bridge is to be the team at the end of the match with the most total points. The match (called a rubber) ends when a team wins 2 games. A game is won by getting a "contract" score of 100 or more points over several deals if necessary. help.page_2_1=Goals of Bidding help.page_2_2=At the beginning of a deal, you must state the number of "tricks" you think your team can win with a specific "trump suit". A bid includes a number (1-7) and a trump suit (or no trump, NT). The team that makes the final bid must win at least that number of tricks plus 6. The final highest bid is known as the "contract". help.page_3_1=Bidding Process: help.page_3_2=Each player can either bid or pass when it's their turn. Alternately, each player could double their opponents most recent bid. The opponents' team can then redouble the bid. Under double or redouble, that game rewards double or quadruple points respectively. The bidding ends when 3 players in a row pass. The player that makes the first bid of the trump suit is called the "declarer". help.page_4_1=Gameplay 1: help.page_4_2=The player to the declarer's left chooses a card from their hand to lead the first trick. After that, the declarer's partner's hand is placed on the table (called the "dummy hand") and is played by the declarer for the remainder of the deal. help.page_5_1=Gameplay 2: help.page_5_2=Each player must follow the suit of the lead if they are able, otherwise they can play any other suit, including the trump. The trick is won by the highest trump, or if no trumps were played by the highest card of the lead suit. The winner of each trick leads the next trick. help.page_6_1=Scoring 1: help.page_6_2=The declarer's team gains contract points if they fulfill the contract. Overtrick points are assigned for each trick that was taken above the contract's stated number. Undertrick points are awarded to the declarer's opposing team if the declarer's team does not fulfill the contract. Contract, Over and Under points are further increased for a doubled or redoubled contract. help.page_7_1=Scoring 2: help.page_7_2=Base contract scoring for each is as follows. If trumps are clubs or diamonds: 20 per trick. If trumps are hearts or spades: 30 per trick. If Notrump(NT): 40 for the first trick and 30 for each subsequent trick. help.page_8_1=Scoring 3: help.page_8_2=After a team scores 100 or more contract points the game is complete and the next game starts. Extra points are awarded for winning a small slam (12 tricks) or a grand slam (13 tricks). Honors points are given for starting the deal with the top 4 or 5 trumps (A K Q J 10). options.title=OPTIONS options.sound=Sound Effects options.music=Music biddingTable.title=BIDDING TABLE button.double=Double button.redouble=Redouble button.pass=Pass button.hint=Hint biddingTable.west=West biddingTable.north=North biddingTable.east=East biddingTable.south=South scoreResult.title.south_north=SOUTH & NORTH scoreResult.title.east_west=EAST & WEST scoreResult.rubberBonus_1=Rubber Bonus: scoreResult.rubberBonus_2=By winning two games, a team earns a rubber bonus. scoreResult.slamBonus_1=Slam Bonus: scoreResult.slamBonus_2=Win 12 or 13 tricks for a small or grand slam. scoreResult.doubleBonus_1=Double Bonus: scoreResult.doubleBonus_2=When a bid is doubled or redoubled, game score is increased. scoreResult.honors_1=Honors: scoreResult.honors_2=Starting with the top 4 or 5 trumps gives extra points. scoreResult.overtricks_1=Overtricks: scoreResult.overtricks_2=When a team takes more tricks than they bid, they get bonus points for each. scoreResult.undertricks_1=Undertricks: scoreResult.undertricks_2=When a team prevents the opponent from taking enough tricks, they get points for each. scoreResult.game_1=GAME 1 scoreResult.game_2=GAME 2 scoreResult.game_3=GAME 3 scoreResult.game=A team must make at least 100 contract points (for bidding) to win the game. scoreResult.totalPoints_1=TOTAL POINTS scoreResult.totalPoints_2=All score points are added to create the total team score. scoreResult.opposingTeamWins=Opposing team wins titleScreen.enterYourName=Enter your name: titleScreen.continuePreviousGame=Continue your previous game? titleScreen.guest=Guest titleScreen.you=You players.tricks=Tricks button.menu.quitGame=Quit Game button.menu.biddingRecap=Bidding Recap button.menu.scoringResult=Scoring Result button.menu.soundOn=Sound On button.menu.soundOff=Sound Off button.menu.helpAndTrips=Help and Tips message.tradingPlaces=Trading places with partner. message.highestCurrentContract=The highest current contract is: %SUIT% to %TEAM%. message.pressContToAcceptContract=Press Continue to accept the Contract. message.yourTurnToBid=It's your turn to bid. message.illegalCard=You've selected card with wrong suit. You need to use %SUIT% card. message.noContractReached=No contract reached. Restart bidding. message.illegalBid=Illegal bid. Try again. message.to=to message.team=team message.diamonds=Diamonds message.clubs=Clubs message.hearts=Hearts message.spades=Spades message.bridge=BRIDGE message.dilingANew=Everyone passed:/ndealing a new. topui.tricks=TRICKS topui.we=NS topui.they=EW quitGame.areYouSure=Are you sure? topui.dble=DBLE topui.rdble=RDBLE topui.menu=MENU contractResult.congratulations=Congratulations! contractResult.fulfilled=Contract fulfilled! contractResult.notFulfilled=Contract/nnot fulfilled. contractResult.notPrevented=Contract/nnot prevented. contractResult.prevented=Contract prevented! clearCardsButton.label=Clear cards